Are you passionate about the beautiful coastal area that we live in? Beach cleans are a great way to get people together and raise awareness of the...
Current Projects
Here you will find all the current projects we have running at Sustainable Hayle. The information on each of the projects contains opportunities to get involved.
Have a look around and if you see anything you would like to get involved in please get in touch
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Tree Planting
We have collaborated with Resilient Orchards Cornwall on this project which aims to plant at least 50 apple trees in residential areas throughout...
Community Allotment
Welcome to our Community Allotment – a vibrant space for everyone to reconnect with nature, grow healthy food, and strengthen community bonds. Here,...
Repair Cafe
On the second Saturday of every month we run a free Repair Cafe at Hayle Day Centre at 10.30am to 12.30pm. So far we have offered bike repairs and...