
By placing emphasis on reducing, reusing, and recycling materials to minimize environmental impact communities can divert waste from landfills, conserve resources, and reduce pollution.
What we are trying to do?
Reduce / Reuse
Support second-hand and share economy: Car boot sales, Library of things (community owned tools etc to borrow), Repair cafe, Beach borrow box (buckets, spades, bodyboards…)
After the removal of the recycling bins by the county council from Hayle. We will push for the introduction public recycling bins, following in the footsteps of Penzance.
Go “Plastic Free”
Further advance plastic-free agenda. Pushing for a ban on the use of plastic bottles and promote the introduction of public water fountains within the town.
Litter Reduction
Litter (and dog poo!) is an ongong issue within Hayle. As well as beach cleans we aim to organise town cleans and stat an awareness campaign. We hope to target hotspots.
Current Waste Projects
Below you will find some of our projects that are currently running within this section. If you are interested in finding out more simply click on the respective image.