Volunteering Opportunities

We have various volunteering opportunities with us. All are listed below in divided up into each of our projects.

Monthly Repair Cafe & Meal Share

On the second Saturday of every month we run an event at Hayle Day Centre; free repairs at 3-5pm and a free meal from 4-6pm.

Did you know that volunteering helps our own mental health and wellbeing as we get to chat, meet like-minded people and share our ideas for Hayle.


Do you have experience of catering for large groups (about 20-30)? Are you available on a Saturday afternoon, from 3-6pm?

Join our team of cooks that take turns to prepare a free meal from Hayle Day Centre on the second Saturday of each month.

It is an advantage if you have your Food Hygiene Level 2, but if not we can support you with this. All costs are covered. Get in touch to find out more.

Bicycle Repairs

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Suspendisse iaculis sollicitudin nibh at fermentum. Nunc rhoncus finibus velit vel mattis. Nulla aliquet porttitor velit non vulputate. Integer sit amet dignissim purus. Nulla sit amet quam massa.


Are you good at tinkering and fixing things that would otherwise end up at the dump?

We need your skills at the monthly Repair Cafe where we aim to repair small household items. This is good for us all as it saves money, plus we learn skills from each other and save the planet by reducing the amount of new stuff we need to buy.

So far we have offered bike repairs and maintenance along with small sewing repairs and adjustments. It would be great to build our areas of expertise such as small electrical items

Kitchen Porters

Do you like cooking and helping in the kitchen? We need your skills to support our cooks to prepare a delicious vegetarian meal.

Join our team of volunteers to make a meal alongside the Repair Cafe. All equipment is provided and you won’t need to commit to every month if you don’t want to.

We also need people to help with washing up, loading the dishwasher and clearing up at the end

Beach Cleaning

Beach Clean Leaders

Are you passionate about the beautiful coastal area that we live in? Are you looking to build your experience in leading community events? Would you like to do something positive for our local environment?

We are looking for people that can organise, promote and lead beach cleans in the Hayle area. All the equipment such as gloves and bags are provided and full training can be given.

We also organise some town litter pics as well, which prevents the rubbish from getting into rivers and the sea. Collecting the litter not only removes it from our beaches, but prevents it from harming the wildlife – both marine and birds.Through beach cleans we raise awareness of marine issues.